Welcome to Macgreeninvest

MacGreenInvest (MGI) is a campaign initiated by faculty to mobilize support from people from across the McMaster community with the aim of encouraging the university to move its endowment fund investments out of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) and into exclusively renewable ‘green’ sources of energy such as solar and wind power.

Fossil fuel divestment campaigns have been successful at several higher education institutions in the U.K., U.S. and elsewhere. What is distinct about MGI is that it goes beyond divestment as a goal in itself, and sees it as the means to re-invest the university’s endowment fund in renewable green energy.

The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions that are the cause of human-induced climate change means conserving energy and shifting our energy consumption to alternative, renewable sources. The reason for the MGI campaign is to ensure that McMaster contributes in a meaningful way to this process of realigning our energy needs and tackling the climate crisis.

Take Action

Please sign the MGI petition on change.org at:  http://chng.it/4CqryYPD


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